The 'C' word - animal health marketing during COVID

From gin distilleries making hand sanitiser, to car manufacturers making ventilators – so many businesses are adapting their offering to contribute to the COVID-19 pandemic effort. It’s amazing - people really do kick ass sometimes 😊

Our clients are adapting along with everyone else – some with incredible agility and altruism. One client has rapidly implemented a new home delivery service for a product that helps dogs experiencing stress. We helped communicate this to dog owners by quickly creating digital materials for them. We helped another client see how one of their products had huge benefits for vets and pet owners during these times of social distancing and restricted movement. We developed sensitive messaging to communicate this, hopefully alleviating one worry for pet owners in a time when they have more than enough to worry about!

With more challenges than ever to ‘keep things going’, why not use us to help reduce your workloads? Teams are disparate, people are struggling amid childcare and rapidly thrown together home offices. At Roar, we’ve always worked remotely – we’re used to it and we’re already well set up for it. Maybe we can help by taking some stuff of your plate?

We want to do our bit by helping you do yours, so why not drop us a line? Let’s bounce ideas around. We’re all in this together.

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Understanding our audience in health sector marketing


The importance of insight for health sector copywriting