Good copywriting; a way with words

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

All too often in written content for commercial use, words are used a bit carelessly. They are thrown down to ensure that the facts are there, should anyone want them.

But effective communication is so much more than just the words themselves. How those words are structured, ordered and what other words are used around them can give words, the basic tool we use to communicate information, the power to change how people feel.

That is why we like to think about more than just words…

1. An audience

With almost everything we do at Roar when creating content, the audience has to come first. What do they want to know? What do they need to know to understand what they want to know? How do they use words. Understanding this, means you can write in a way that means they will understand you and what you have to say.

2. A story

Every moment of communication is a story. Some of them are short but whatever the piece we are creating is, a clear narrative is imperative to make sure the reader is taken on a journey that not only makes sense but keeps them on board until the end.

3. A feeling

It’s not enough to just educate or inform. Truly functional content makes the audience feel something. It is emotion that spurs behaviour changes and determines wider perception of a company or product. It’s exciting!

To create content where every word has earnt its place by delivering something beneficial to the objective of the piece, you really need to have a way with words. That’s when using words becomes more than just copywriting.

Struggling to get your words out? Get in touch and let us help clear your throat to really make your message sing:


So what? The key to good copy


The Journey to Roar - from vetting to copywriting